0.02/0.09 % Problem : SLH462^1 : TPTP v7.5.0. Released v7.5.0. 0.02/0.09 % Command : run_E %s %d THM 0.07/0.30 % Computer : n007.cluster.edu 0.07/0.30 % Model : x86_64 x86_64 0.07/0.30 % CPU : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz 0.07/0.30 % Memory : 8042.1875MB 0.07/0.30 % OS : Linux 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64 0.07/0.30 % CPULimit : 30 0.07/0.30 % WCLimit : 30 0.07/0.30 % DateTime : Tue Aug 9 02:46:11 EDT 2022 0.07/0.30 % CPUTime : 0.13/0.41 The problem SPC is TH0_THM_EQU_NAR 0.13/0.41 Running higher-order on 1 cores theorem proving 0.13/0.41 Running: /export/starexec/sandbox2/solver/bin/eprover-ho --delete-bad-limit=2000000000 --definitional-cnf=24 -s --print-statistics -R --print-version --proof-object --auto-schedule=1 --cpu-limit=30 /export/starexec/sandbox2/benchmark/theBenchmark.p 0.13/0.41 # Version: 3.0pre003-ho 0.13/0.47 # Preprocessing class: HSLSSMSMSSLNHHA. 0.13/0.47 # Scheduled 1 strats onto 1 cores with 30 seconds (30 total) 0.13/0.47 # Starting new_ho_10 with 30s (1) cores 0.13/0.47 # new_ho_10 with pid 19562 completed with status 0 0.13/0.47 # Result found by new_ho_10 0.13/0.47 # Preprocessing class: HSLSSMSMSSLNHHA. 0.13/0.47 # Scheduled 1 strats onto 1 cores with 30 seconds (30 total) 0.13/0.47 # Starting new_ho_10 with 30s (1) cores 0.13/0.47 # No SInE strategy applied 0.13/0.47 # Search class: HGHSM-FSLM31-MHHFFSBN 0.13/0.47 # partial match(1): HGHSM-FSLM31-MHFFFSBN 0.13/0.47 # Scheduled 4 strats onto 1 cores with 30 seconds (30 total) 0.13/0.47 # Starting new_ho_10 with 19s (1) cores 0.13/0.47 # new_ho_10 with pid 19564 completed with status 0 0.13/0.47 # Result found by new_ho_10 0.13/0.47 # Preprocessing class: HSLSSMSMSSLNHHA. 0.13/0.47 # Scheduled 1 strats onto 1 cores with 30 seconds (30 total) 0.13/0.47 # Starting new_ho_10 with 30s (1) cores 0.13/0.47 # No SInE strategy applied 0.13/0.47 # Search class: HGHSM-FSLM31-MHHFFSBN 0.13/0.47 # partial match(1): HGHSM-FSLM31-MHFFFSBN 0.13/0.47 # Scheduled 4 strats onto 1 cores with 30 seconds (30 total) 0.13/0.47 # Starting new_ho_10 with 19s (1) cores 0.13/0.47 # Preprocessing time : 0.006 s 0.13/0.47 # Presaturation interreduction done 0.13/0.47 0.13/0.47 # Proof found! 0.13/0.47 # SZS status Theorem 0.13/0.47 # SZS output start CNFRefutation 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_22, type, if_option_fml: $o > option_fml > option_fml > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_23, type, if_option_trm: $o > option_trm > option_trm > option_trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_24, type, inf_inf_variable_o: (variable > $o) > (variable > $o) > variable > $o). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_25, type, inf_inf_o: $o > $o > $o). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_26, type, inf_inf_set_variable: set_variable > set_variable > set_variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_27, type, none_fml: option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_28, type, none_game: option_game). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_29, type, none_trm: option_trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_30, type, some_fml: fml > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_31, type, some_game: game > option_game). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_32, type, some_trm: trm > option_trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_33, type, case_option_o_fml: $o > (fml > $o) > option_fml > $o). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_34, type, case_option_o_game: $o > (game > $o) > option_game > $o). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_35, type, case_option_o_trm: $o > (trm > $o) > option_trm > $o). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_36, type, case_o209804997ml_fml: option_fml > (fml > option_fml) > option_fml > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_37, type, case_o325794063ml_trm: option_fml > (trm > option_fml) > option_trm > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_38, type, case_o487727941rm_trm: option_trm > (trm > option_trm) > option_trm > option_trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_39, type, the_fml: option_fml > fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_40, type, the_game: option_game > game). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_41, type, the_trm: option_trm > trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_42, type, bot_bot_variable_o: variable > $o). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_43, type, bot_bot_set_variable: set_variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_44, type, ord_le1407353162able_o: (variable > $o) > (variable > $o) > $o). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_45, type, ord_le282106107riable: set_variable > set_variable > $o). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_46, type, produc2124676926on_fml: option_game > option_fml > produc1739631244on_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_47, type, produc1598111045on_fml: ((char > option_fml) > (char > option_game) > char > option_fml) > produc799602994n_game > char > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_48, type, produc1214549391on_trm: ((char > option_fml) > (char > option_game) > char > option_trm) > produc799602994n_game > char > option_trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_49, type, produc377919108on_fml: ((char > option_trm) > produc799602994n_game > char > option_fml) > produc62062515n_game > char > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_50, type, produc2141841102on_trm: ((char > option_trm) > produc799602994n_game > char > option_trm) > produc62062515n_game > char > option_trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_51, type, produc1278328899on_fml: ((char > option_trm) > produc62062515n_game > char > option_fml) > produc1418842292n_game > char > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_52, type, produc1420172399on_fml: ((char > option_fml) > (char > option_game) > char > option_fml) > produc799602994n_game > char > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_53, type, produc1036610745on_trm: ((char > option_fml) > (char > option_game) > char > option_trm) > produc799602994n_game > char > option_trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_54, type, produc347802313on_fml: ((char > option_fml) > (char > option_game) > option_fml) > produc799602994n_game > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_55, type, produc885547027on_trm: ((char > option_fml) > (char > option_game) > option_trm) > produc799602994n_game > option_trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_56, type, produc1615133358on_fml: ((char > option_trm) > produc799602994n_game > char > option_fml) > produc62062515n_game > char > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_57, type, produc1231571704on_trm: ((char > option_trm) > produc799602994n_game > char > option_trm) > produc62062515n_game > char > option_trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_58, type, produc154833544on_fml: ((char > option_trm) > produc799602994n_game > option_fml) > produc62062515n_game > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_59, type, produc692578258on_trm: ((char > option_trm) > produc799602994n_game > option_trm) > produc62062515n_game > option_trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_60, type, produc1250175341on_fml: ((char > option_trm) > produc62062515n_game > char > option_fml) > produc1418842292n_game > char > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_61, type, produc866613687on_trm: ((char > option_trm) > produc62062515n_game > char > option_trm) > produc1418842292n_game > char > option_trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_62, type, produc1499310791on_fml: ((char > option_trm) > produc62062515n_game > option_fml) > produc1418842292n_game > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_63, type, collect_variable: (variable > $o) > set_variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_64, type, is_empty_variable: set_variable > $o). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_65, type, static_FVF: fml > set_variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_66, type, static_FVT: trm > set_variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_67, type, geq: trm > trm > fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_68, type, pred: char > trm > fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_69, type, const: char > trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_70, type, func: char > trm > trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_71, type, uSubst152838031e_Geqo: option_trm > option_trm > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_72, type, uSubst1408967625substt: trm > produc1418842292n_game). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_73, type, uSubst1559070963pconst: produc1418842292n_game > set_variable > char > option_trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_74, type, uSubst516392804stappf: produc1418842292n_game > set_variable > fml > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_75, type, uSubst516392818stappt: produc1418842292n_game > set_variable > trm > option_trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_76, type, member_variable: variable > set_variable > $o). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_77, type, ua: set_variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_78, type, va: set_variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_79, type, sigma: produc1418842292n_game). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_80, type, theta: trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_81, type, p: char). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_82, type, vv: set_variable > set_variable > variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_83, type, vva: set_variable > set_variable > variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_84, type, epred1_3: variable > (variable > $o) > (variable > $o) > $o). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_85, type, esk1_0: set_variable > set_variable > variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_86, type, esk2_2: set_variable > set_variable > variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_87, type, esk3_2: set_variable > set_variable > variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_88, type, esk4_2: set_variable > set_variable > variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_89, type, esk5_1: (variable > $o) > variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_90, type, esk6_1: (variable > $o) > variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_91, type, esk7_1: set_variable > variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_92, type, esk8_2: set_variable > set_variable > variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_93, type, esk9_2: set_variable > set_variable > variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_94, type, esk10_2: (variable > $o) > (variable > $o) > variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_95, type, esk11_2: set_variable > set_variable > variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_96, type, esk12_2: (variable > $o) > (variable > $o) > variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_97, type, esk13_2: (variable > $o) > (variable > $o) > variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_98, type, epred2_1: ((variable > $o) > (variable > $o) > variable > $o) > variable > $o). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_99, type, epred3_1: ((variable > $o) > (variable > $o) > variable > $o) > variable > $o). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_100, type, epred4_1: ((variable > $o) > (variable > $o) > variable > $o) > variable > $o). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_101, type, epred5_1: ((variable > $o) > (variable > $o) > variable > $o) > variable > $o). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_102, type, epred6_1: ((variable > $o) > (variable > $o) > variable > $o) > variable > $o). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_103, type, epred7_1: ((variable > $o) > (variable > $o) > variable > $o) > variable > $o). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_104, type, epred8_1: ((variable > $o) > (variable > $o) > variable > $o) > variable > $o). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_105, type, esk14_1: (set_variable > set_variable > set_variable) > set_variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_106, type, esk15_1: (set_variable > set_variable > set_variable) > set_variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_107, type, esk16_1: (set_variable > set_variable > set_variable) > set_variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_108, type, esk17_1: (set_variable > set_variable > set_variable) > set_variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_109, type, esk18_1: (set_variable > set_variable > set_variable) > set_variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_110, type, esk19_1: (set_variable > set_variable > set_variable) > set_variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_111, type, esk20_1: (set_variable > set_variable > set_variable) > set_variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_112, type, esk21_4: set_variable > set_variable > (variable > $o) > (variable > $o) > variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_113, type, esk22_1: (variable > option_fml > $o) > variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_114, type, esk23_1: (variable > option_fml > $o) > fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_115, type, esk24_1: (variable > option_fml > $o) > variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_116, type, esk25_1: option_fml > fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_117, type, esk26_1: (option_fml > $o) > fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_118, type, esk27_1: option_fml > fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_119, type, esk28_1: (option_fml > option_fml > $o) > fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_120, type, esk29_1: (option_fml > option_fml > $o) > fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_121, type, esk30_1: (option_fml > option_fml > $o) > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_122, type, esk31_1: (option_fml > option_fml > $o) > fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_123, type, esk32_1: set_variable > variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_124, type, esk33_1: set_variable > variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_125, type, esk34_4: produc1418842292n_game > set_variable > char > trm > fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_126, type, esk35_2: set_variable > set_variable > variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_127, type, esk36_2: set_variable > set_variable > variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_128, type, esk37_2: set_variable > set_variable > variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_129, type, esk38_2: set_variable > set_variable > variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_130, type, esk39_1: option_fml > fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_131, type, esk40_1: option_trm > trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_132, type, esk41_1: option_game > game). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_133, type, esk42_1: option_fml > fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_134, type, esk43_1: option_trm > trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_135, type, esk44_1: option_game > game). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_136, type, esk45_1: (option_game > option_fml > $o) > game). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_137, type, esk46_1: (option_game > option_fml > $o) > fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_138, type, esk47_1: (option_game > option_fml > $o) > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_139, type, esk48_1: (option_game > option_fml > $o) > game). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_140, type, esk49_1: (option_trm > $o) > trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_141, type, esk50_1: option_trm > trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_142, type, esk51_1: (variable > option_trm > $o) > variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_143, type, esk52_1: (variable > option_trm > $o) > trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_144, type, esk53_1: (variable > option_trm > $o) > variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_145, type, esk54_1: (option_trm > option_trm > $o) > trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_146, type, esk55_1: (option_trm > option_trm > $o) > trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_147, type, esk56_1: (option_trm > option_trm > $o) > option_trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_148, type, esk57_1: (option_trm > option_trm > $o) > trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_149, type, esk58_1: option_trm > trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_150, type, esk59_1: (char > option_trm > $o) > char). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_151, type, esk60_1: (char > option_trm > $o) > trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_152, type, esk61_1: (char > option_trm > $o) > char). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_153, type, esk62_3: $o > (fml > $o) > option_fml > fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_154, type, esk63_3: $o > (trm > $o) > option_trm > trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_155, type, esk64_3: $o > (game > $o) > option_game > game). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_156, type, esk65_1: option_fml > fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_157, type, esk66_1: option_trm > trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_158, type, esk67_1: option_game > game). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_159, type, esk68_1: (option_fml > $o) > fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_160, type, esk69_1: (option_trm > $o) > trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_161, type, esk70_1: (option_game > $o) > game). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_162, type, esk71_1: (option_fml > $o) > fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_163, type, esk72_1: (option_fml > $o) > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_164, type, esk73_1: (option_trm > $o) > trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_165, type, esk74_1: (option_trm > $o) > option_trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_166, type, esk75_1: (option_game > $o) > game). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_167, type, esk76_1: (option_game > $o) > option_game). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_168, type, esk77_1: (option_fml > $o) > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_169, type, esk78_1: (option_fml > $o) > fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_170, type, esk79_1: (option_trm > $o) > option_trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_171, type, esk80_1: (option_trm > $o) > trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_172, type, esk81_1: (option_game > $o) > option_game). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_173, type, esk82_1: (option_game > $o) > game). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_174, type, esk83_3: option_fml > (option_fml > option_fml > $o) > option_fml > fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_175, type, esk84_3: option_fml > (option_fml > option_fml > $o) > option_fml > fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_176, type, esk85_3: option_fml > (option_fml > option_trm > $o) > option_trm > fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_177, type, esk86_3: option_fml > (option_fml > option_trm > $o) > option_trm > trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_178, type, esk87_3: option_fml > (option_fml > option_game > $o) > option_game > fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_179, type, esk88_3: option_fml > (option_fml > option_game > $o) > option_game > game). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_180, type, esk89_3: option_trm > (option_trm > option_fml > $o) > option_fml > trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_181, type, esk90_3: option_trm > (option_trm > option_fml > $o) > option_fml > fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_182, type, esk91_3: option_trm > (option_trm > option_trm > $o) > option_trm > trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_183, type, esk92_3: option_trm > (option_trm > option_trm > $o) > option_trm > trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_184, type, esk93_3: option_trm > (option_trm > option_game > $o) > option_game > trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_185, type, esk94_3: option_trm > (option_trm > option_game > $o) > option_game > game). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_186, type, esk95_3: option_game > (option_game > option_fml > $o) > option_fml > game). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_187, type, esk96_3: option_game > (option_game > option_fml > $o) > option_fml > fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_188, type, esk97_3: option_game > (option_game > option_trm > $o) > option_trm > game). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_189, type, esk98_3: option_game > (option_game > option_trm > $o) > option_trm > trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_190, type, esk99_3: option_game > (option_game > option_game > $o) > option_game > game). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_191, type, esk100_3: option_game > (option_game > option_game > $o) > option_game > game). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_192, type, esk101_1: option_game > game). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_193, type, esk102_1: (option_game > $o) > game). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_194, type, esk103_1: option_game > game). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_195, type, esk104_1: (option_game > option_game > $o) > game). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_196, type, esk105_1: (option_game > option_game > $o) > game). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_197, type, esk106_1: (option_game > option_game > $o) > option_game). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_198, type, esk107_1: (option_game > option_game > $o) > game). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_199, type, esk108_4: set_variable > (set_variable > set_variable) > set_variable > set_variable > set_variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_200, type, esk109_4: set_variable > (set_variable > set_variable) > set_variable > set_variable > set_variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_201, type, esk110_4: set_variable > set_variable > (set_variable > set_variable) > set_variable > set_variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_202, type, esk111_4: set_variable > set_variable > (set_variable > set_variable) > set_variable > set_variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_203, type, esk112_4: set_variable > (set_variable > set_variable) > set_variable > set_variable > set_variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_204, type, esk113_4: set_variable > (set_variable > set_variable) > set_variable > set_variable > set_variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_205, type, esk114_4: set_variable > set_variable > (set_variable > set_variable) > set_variable > set_variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_206, type, esk115_4: set_variable > set_variable > (set_variable > set_variable) > set_variable > set_variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_207, type, esk116_6: $o > (fml > $o) > option_fml > (option_fml > $o) > option_fml > (fml > option_fml) > fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_208, type, esk117_6: $o > (trm > $o) > option_trm > (option_fml > $o) > option_fml > (trm > option_fml) > trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_209, type, esk118_6: $o > (trm > $o) > option_trm > (option_trm > $o) > option_trm > (trm > option_trm) > trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_210, type, esk119_1: set_variable > variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_211, type, esk120_3: option_trm > option_trm > option_fml > trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_212, type, esk121_3: option_trm > option_trm > option_fml > trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_213, type, esk122_3: option_trm > option_trm > option_fml > trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_214, type, esk123_4: produc1418842292n_game > set_variable > char > trm > trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_215, type, esk124_3: produc1418842292n_game > set_variable > char > trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_216, type, esk125_3: produc1418842292n_game > set_variable > char > trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_217, type, esk126_3: set_variable > set_variable > (variable > $o) > variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_218, type, esk127_4: set_variable > set_variable > (variable > $o) > (variable > $o) > variable). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_219, type, esk128_1: produc1739631244on_fml > game). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_220, type, esk129_1: produc1739631244on_fml > fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_221, type, esk130_1: produc1739631244on_fml > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_222, type, esk131_1: produc1739631244on_fml > game). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_223, type, esk132_0: (char > option_fml) > (char > option_game) > char > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_224, type, esk133_0: (char > option_trm) > produc799602994n_game > char > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_225, type, esk134_0: (char > option_trm) > produc62062515n_game > char > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_226, type, epred9_1: set_variable > variable > $o). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_227, type, epred10_2: (variable > $o) > set_variable > variable > $o). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_228, type, epred11_0: variable > $o). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_229, type, epred12_2: (variable > $o) > (variable > $o) > variable > $o). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_230, type, epred13_2: set_variable > set_variable > variable > $o). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_231, type, esk135_0: trm > fml > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_232, type, esk136_0: trm > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_233, type, esk137_1: set_variable > trm > fml > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_234, type, esk138_3: char > produc1418842292n_game > set_variable > trm > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_235, type, epred14_0: fml > $o). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_236, type, epred15_0: trm > $o). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_237, type, epred16_0: game > $o). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_238, type, epred17_0: fml > $o). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_239, type, epred18_0: trm > $o). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_240, type, epred19_0: game > $o). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_241, type, esk139_2: (fml > option_fml) > (option_fml > option_fml) > fml > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_242, type, esk140_2: (trm > option_fml) > (option_fml > option_fml) > trm > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_243, type, esk141_2: (trm > option_fml) > (option_fml > option_trm) > trm > option_trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_244, type, esk142_2: (trm > option_trm) > (option_trm > option_fml) > trm > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_245, type, esk143_2: (trm > option_trm) > (option_trm > option_trm) > trm > option_trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_246, type, esk144_2: char > ((char > option_trm) > produc62062515n_game > char > option_fml) > (char > option_trm) > produc62062515n_game > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_247, type, esk145_2: char > ((char > option_trm) > produc799602994n_game > char > option_trm) > (char > option_trm) > produc799602994n_game > option_trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_248, type, esk146_2: char > ((char > option_trm) > produc799602994n_game > char > option_fml) > (char > option_trm) > produc799602994n_game > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_249, type, esk147_2: char > ((char > option_fml) > (char > option_game) > char > option_trm) > (char > option_fml) > (char > option_game) > option_trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_250, type, esk148_2: char > ((char > option_fml) > (char > option_game) > char > option_fml) > (char > option_fml) > (char > option_game) > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_251, type, esk149_2: ((char > option_trm) > produc62062515n_game > char > option_fml) > ((char > option_fml) > char > option_fml) > (char > option_trm) > produc62062515n_game > char > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_252, type, esk150_2: ((char > option_trm) > produc799602994n_game > char > option_trm) > ((char > option_trm) > char > option_trm) > (char > option_trm) > produc799602994n_game > char > option_trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_253, type, esk151_2: ((char > option_trm) > produc799602994n_game > char > option_trm) > ((char > option_trm) > char > option_fml) > (char > option_trm) > produc799602994n_game > char > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_254, type, esk152_2: ((char > option_trm) > produc799602994n_game > char > option_fml) > ((char > option_fml) > char > option_trm) > (char > option_trm) > produc799602994n_game > char > option_trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_255, type, esk153_2: ((char > option_trm) > produc799602994n_game > char > option_fml) > ((char > option_fml) > char > option_fml) > (char > option_trm) > produc799602994n_game > char > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_256, type, esk154_2: ((char > option_fml) > (char > option_game) > char > option_trm) > ((char > option_trm) > char > option_trm) > (char > option_fml) > (char > option_game) > char > option_trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_257, type, esk155_2: ((char > option_fml) > (char > option_game) > char > option_trm) > ((char > option_trm) > char > option_fml) > (char > option_fml) > (char > option_game) > char > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_258, type, esk156_2: ((char > option_fml) > (char > option_game) > char > option_fml) > ((char > option_fml) > char > option_trm) > (char > option_fml) > (char > option_game) > char > option_trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_259, type, esk157_2: ((char > option_fml) > (char > option_game) > char > option_fml) > ((char > option_fml) > char > option_fml) > (char > option_fml) > (char > option_game) > char > option_fml). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_260, type, esk158_1: set_variable > trm > trm > option_trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_261, type, esk159_0: (char > option_trm) > (char > option_fml) > (char > option_game) > char > option_trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_262, type, esk160_0: (char > option_trm) > produc799602994n_game > char > option_trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_263, type, esk161_0: (char > option_trm) > produc62062515n_game > char > option_trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_264, type, esk162_3: char > produc1418842292n_game > set_variable > trm > option_trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_265, type, esk163_0: (char > option_trm) > (char > option_trm) > produc799602994n_game > char > option_trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_266, type, esk164_0: (char > option_trm) > produc62062515n_game > char > option_trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(decl_267, type, esk165_1: set_variable > trm > option_trm). 0.13/0.47 thf(fact_8__092_060open_062usubstappf_A_Idotsubstt_A_Ithe_A_Iusubstappt_A_092_060sigma_062_AV_A_092_060theta_062_J_J_J_A_123_125_A_Ithe_A_ISPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_J_J_A_092_060noteq_062_Ausubstappf_A_092_060sigma_062_AU_A_IPred_Ap_A_092_060theta_062_J_A_092_060Longrightarrow_062_AFVF_A_Ithe_A_ISPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_J_J_A_092_060inter_062_AU_A_061_A_123_125_A_092_060longrightarrow_062_ASPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_A_061_Aundeff_092_060close_062, axiom, (((uSubst516392804stappf @ (uSubst1408967625substt @ (the_trm @ (uSubst516392818stappt @ sigma @ va @ theta))) @ bot_bot_set_variable @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[X6:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[X7:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[X8:char > option_fml, X9:char > option_game]:(X8)))))) @ sigma @ p)))!=(uSubst516392804stappf @ sigma @ ua @ (pred @ p @ theta)))=>(((inf_inf_set_variable @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[X6:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[X7:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[X8:char > option_fml, X9:char > option_game]:(X8)))))) @ sigma @ p))) @ ua)=(bot_bot_set_variable))=>((produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[X6:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[X7:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[X8:char > option_fml, X9:char > option_game]:(X8)))))) @ sigma @ p)=(none_fml)))), file('/export/starexec/sandbox2/benchmark/theBenchmark.p', fact_8__092_060open_062usubstappf_A_Idotsubstt_A_Ithe_A_Iusubstappt_A_092_060sigma_062_AV_A_092_060theta_062_J_J_J_A_123_125_A_Ithe_A_ISPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_J_J_A_092_060noteq_062_Ausubstappf_A_092_060sigma_062_AU_A_IPred_Ap_A_092_060theta_062_J_A_092_060Longrightarrow_062_AFVF_A_Ithe_A_ISPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_J_J_A_092_060inter_062_AU_A_061_A_123_125_A_092_060longrightarrow_062_ASPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_A_061_Aundeff_092_060close_062)). 0.13/0.47 thf(conj_0, conjecture, (((inf_inf_set_variable @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[X6:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[X7:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[X8:char > option_fml, X9:char > option_game]:(X8)))))) @ sigma @ p))) @ ua)!=(bot_bot_set_variable))|((uSubst516392804stappf @ sigma @ va @ (pred @ p @ theta))!=(none_fml))|((produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[X6:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[X7:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[X8:char > option_fml, X9:char > option_game]:(X8)))))) @ sigma @ p)=(none_fml))), file('/export/starexec/sandbox2/benchmark/theBenchmark.p', conj_0)). 0.13/0.47 thf(fact_5_f10, axiom, ((((inf_inf_set_variable @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[X6:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[X7:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[X8:char > option_fml, X9:char > option_game]:(X8)))))) @ sigma @ p))) @ va)!=(bot_bot_set_variable))|![X3:variable]:((~((member_variable @ X3 @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[X6:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[X7:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[X8:char > option_fml, X9:char > option_game]:(X8)))))) @ sigma @ p)))))|![X4:variable]:((~((member_variable @ X4 @ va))|((X3)!=(X4)))))))&(((inf_inf_set_variable @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[X6:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[X7:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[X8:char > option_fml, X9:char > option_game]:(X8)))))) @ sigma @ p))) @ va)=(bot_bot_set_variable))|(((member_variable @ (vv @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[X6:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[X7:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[X8:char > option_fml, X9:char > option_game]:(X8)))))) @ sigma @ p)))) @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[X6:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[X7:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[X8:char > option_fml, X9:char > option_game]:(X8)))))) @ sigma @ p))))&(member_variable @ (vva @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[X6:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[X7:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[X8:char > option_fml, X9:char > option_game]:(X8)))))) @ sigma @ p)))) @ va))&((vv @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[X6:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[X7:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[X8:char > option_fml, X9:char > option_game]:(X8)))))) @ sigma @ p))))=(vva @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[X6:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[X7:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[X8:char > option_fml, X9:char > option_game]:(X8)))))) @ sigma @ p)))))))), file('/export/starexec/sandbox2/benchmark/theBenchmark.p', fact_5_f10)). 0.13/0.47 thf(fact_6__092_060open_062_Iif_AFVF_A_Ithe_A_ISPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_J_J_A_092_060inter_062_AV_A_061_A_123_125_Athen_Ausubstappf_A_Idotsubstt_A_Ithe_A_Iusubstappt_A_092_060sigma_062_AV_A_092_060theta_062_J_J_J_A_123_125_A_Ithe_A_ISPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_J_J_Aelse_Aundeff_J_A_092_060noteq_062_Aundeff_A_092_060Longrightarrow_062_Ausubstappf_A_092_060sigma_062_AV_A_IPred_Ap_A_092_060theta_062_J_A_061_Aundeff_A_092_060longrightarrow_062_ASPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_A_061_Aundeff_092_060close_062, axiom, (~((((inf_inf_set_variable @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[X6:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[X7:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[X8:char > option_fml, X9:char > option_game]:(X8)))))) @ sigma @ p))) @ va)=(bot_bot_set_variable))=>((uSubst516392804stappf @ (uSubst1408967625substt @ (the_trm @ (uSubst516392818stappt @ sigma @ va @ theta))) @ bot_bot_set_variable @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[X6:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[X7:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[X8:char > option_fml, X9:char > option_game]:(X8)))))) @ sigma @ p)))=(none_fml))))=>(((uSubst516392804stappf @ sigma @ va @ (pred @ p @ theta))=(none_fml))=>((produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[X6:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[X7:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[X8:char > option_fml, X9:char > option_game]:(X8)))))) @ sigma @ p)=(none_fml)))), file('/export/starexec/sandbox2/benchmark/theBenchmark.p', fact_6__092_060open_062_Iif_AFVF_A_Ithe_A_ISPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_J_J_A_092_060inter_062_AV_A_061_A_123_125_Athen_Ausubstappf_A_Idotsubstt_A_Ithe_A_Iusubstappt_A_092_060sigma_062_AV_A_092_060theta_062_J_J_J_A_123_125_A_Ithe_A_ISPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_J_J_Aelse_Aundeff_J_A_092_060noteq_062_Aundeff_A_092_060Longrightarrow_062_Ausubstappf_A_092_060sigma_062_AV_A_IPred_Ap_A_092_060theta_062_J_A_061_Aundeff_A_092_060longrightarrow_062_ASPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_A_061_Aundeff_092_060close_062)). 0.13/0.47 thf(fact_4_Pred_Oprems_I2_J, axiom, ((uSubst516392804stappf @ sigma @ ua @ (pred @ p @ theta))!=(none_fml)), file('/export/starexec/sandbox2/benchmark/theBenchmark.p', fact_4_Pred_Oprems_I2_J)). 0.13/0.47 thf(fact_3__092_060open_062vv_AV_A_IFVF_A_Ithe_A_ISPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_J_J_J_A_092_060notin_062_AFVF_A_Ithe_A_ISPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_J_J_A_092_060or_062_Avva_AV_A_IFVF_A_Ithe_A_ISPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_J_J_J_A_092_060notin_062_AV_A_092_060or_062_Avv_AV_A_IFVF_A_Ithe_A_ISPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_J_J_J_A_092_060noteq_062_Avva_AV_A_IFVF_A_Ithe_A_ISPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_J_J_J_092_060close_062, axiom, (~((member_variable @ (vv @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[X6:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[X7:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[X8:char > option_fml, X9:char > option_game]:(X8)))))) @ sigma @ p)))) @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[X6:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[X7:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[X8:char > option_fml, X9:char > option_game]:(X8)))))) @ sigma @ p)))))|~((member_variable @ (vva @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[X6:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[X7:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[X8:char > option_fml, X9:char > option_game]:(X8)))))) @ sigma @ p)))) @ va))|((vv @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[X6:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[X7:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[X8:char > option_fml, X9:char > option_game]:(X8)))))) @ sigma @ p))))!=(vva @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[X6:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[X7:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[X8:char > option_fml, X9:char > option_game]:(X8)))))) @ sigma @ p)))))), file('/export/starexec/sandbox2/benchmark/theBenchmark.p', fact_3__092_060open_062vv_AV_A_IFVF_A_Ithe_A_ISPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_J_J_J_A_092_060notin_062_AFVF_A_Ithe_A_ISPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_J_J_A_092_060or_062_Avva_AV_A_IFVF_A_Ithe_A_ISPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_J_J_J_A_092_060notin_062_AV_A_092_060or_062_Avv_AV_A_IFVF_A_Ithe_A_ISPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_J_J_J_A_092_060noteq_062_Avva_AV_A_IFVF_A_Ithe_A_ISPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_J_J_J_092_060close_062)). 0.13/0.47 thf(c_0_6, plain, (((uSubst516392804stappf @ (uSubst1408967625substt @ (the_trm @ (uSubst516392818stappt @ sigma @ va @ theta))) @ bot_bot_set_variable @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p)))!=(uSubst516392804stappf @ sigma @ ua @ (pred @ p @ theta)))=>(((inf_inf_set_variable @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p))) @ ua)=(bot_bot_set_variable))=>((produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p)=(none_fml)))), inference(fof_simplification,[status(thm)],[fact_8__092_060open_062usubstappf_A_Idotsubstt_A_Ithe_A_Iusubstappt_A_092_060sigma_062_AV_A_092_060theta_062_J_J_J_A_123_125_A_Ithe_A_ISPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_J_J_A_092_060noteq_062_Ausubstappf_A_092_060sigma_062_AU_A_IPred_Ap_A_092_060theta_062_J_A_092_060Longrightarrow_062_AFVF_A_Ithe_A_ISPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_J_J_A_092_060inter_062_AU_A_061_A_123_125_A_092_060longrightarrow_062_ASPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_A_061_Aundeff_092_060close_062])). 0.13/0.47 thf(c_0_7, negated_conjecture, ~((((inf_inf_set_variable @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p))) @ ua)!=(bot_bot_set_variable))|((uSubst516392804stappf @ sigma @ va @ (pred @ p @ theta))!=(none_fml))|((produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p)=(none_fml)))), inference(fof_simplification,[status(thm)],[inference(assume_negation,[status(cth)],[conj_0])])). 0.13/0.47 thf(c_0_8, plain, ((((inf_inf_set_variable @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p))) @ va)!=(bot_bot_set_variable))|![X3:variable]:((~(member_variable @ X3 @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p))))|![X4:variable]:((~(member_variable @ X4 @ va)|((X3)!=(X4)))))))&(((inf_inf_set_variable @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p))) @ va)=(bot_bot_set_variable))|(((member_variable @ (vv @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p)))) @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p))))&(member_variable @ (vva @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p)))) @ va))&((vv @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p))))=(vva @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p)))))))), inference(fof_simplification,[status(thm)],[inference(fof_simplification,[status(thm)],[fact_5_f10])])). 0.13/0.47 thf(c_0_9, plain, (~((((inf_inf_set_variable @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p))) @ va)=(bot_bot_set_variable))=>((uSubst516392804stappf @ (uSubst1408967625substt @ (the_trm @ (uSubst516392818stappt @ sigma @ va @ theta))) @ bot_bot_set_variable @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p)))=(none_fml))))=>(((uSubst516392804stappf @ sigma @ va @ (pred @ p @ theta))=(none_fml))=>((produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p)=(none_fml)))), inference(fof_simplification,[status(thm)],[fact_6__092_060open_062_Iif_AFVF_A_Ithe_A_ISPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_J_J_A_092_060inter_062_AV_A_061_A_123_125_Athen_Ausubstappf_A_Idotsubstt_A_Ithe_A_Iusubstappt_A_092_060sigma_062_AV_A_092_060theta_062_J_J_J_A_123_125_A_Ithe_A_ISPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_J_J_Aelse_Aundeff_J_A_092_060noteq_062_Aundeff_A_092_060Longrightarrow_062_Ausubstappf_A_092_060sigma_062_AV_A_IPred_Ap_A_092_060theta_062_J_A_061_Aundeff_A_092_060longrightarrow_062_ASPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_A_061_Aundeff_092_060close_062])). 0.13/0.47 thf(c_0_10, plain, (((uSubst516392804stappf @ (uSubst1408967625substt @ (the_trm @ (uSubst516392818stappt @ sigma @ va @ theta))) @ bot_bot_set_variable @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p)))=(uSubst516392804stappf @ sigma @ ua @ (pred @ p @ theta)))|(((inf_inf_set_variable @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p))) @ ua)!=(bot_bot_set_variable))|((produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p)=(none_fml)))), inference(fof_nnf,[status(thm)],[c_0_6])). 0.13/0.47 thf(c_0_11, plain, ![X2631:char > option_trm]:(((esk134_0 @ X2631)=(produc1615133358on_fml @ esk133_0))), introduced(definition)). 0.13/0.47 thf(c_0_12, plain, ![X2630:char > option_trm]:(((esk133_0 @ X2630)=(produc1420172399on_fml @ esk132_0))), introduced(definition)). 0.13/0.47 thf(c_0_13, plain, ![X2629:char > option_game, X2628:char > option_fml]:(((esk132_0 @ X2628 @ X2629)=(X2628))), introduced(definition)). 0.13/0.47 thf(c_0_14, negated_conjecture, ((((inf_inf_set_variable @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p))) @ ua)=(bot_bot_set_variable))&((uSubst516392804stappf @ sigma @ va @ (pred @ p @ theta))=(none_fml)))&((produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p)!=(none_fml))), inference(fof_nnf,[status(thm)],[c_0_7])). 0.13/0.47 thf(c_0_15, plain, ![X1614:variable, X1615:variable]:(((((inf_inf_set_variable @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p))) @ va)!=(bot_bot_set_variable))|(~(member_variable @ X1614 @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p))))|(~(member_variable @ X1615 @ va)|((X1614)!=(X1615)))))&((((member_variable @ (vv @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p)))) @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p))))|((inf_inf_set_variable @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p))) @ va)=(bot_bot_set_variable)))&((member_variable @ (vva @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p)))) @ va)|((inf_inf_set_variable @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p))) @ va)=(bot_bot_set_variable))))&(((vv @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p))))=(vva @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p)))))|((inf_inf_set_variable @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p))) @ va)=(bot_bot_set_variable)))))), inference(distribute,[status(thm)],[inference(shift_quantors,[status(thm)],[inference(variable_rename,[status(thm)],[c_0_8])])])). 0.13/0.47 thf(c_0_16, plain, (((inf_inf_set_variable @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p))) @ va)!=(bot_bot_set_variable))|((uSubst516392804stappf @ (uSubst1408967625substt @ (the_trm @ (uSubst516392818stappt @ sigma @ va @ theta))) @ bot_bot_set_variable @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p)))=(none_fml))|(((uSubst516392804stappf @ sigma @ va @ (pred @ p @ theta))!=(none_fml))|((produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p)=(none_fml)))), inference(fof_nnf,[status(thm)],[c_0_9])). 0.13/0.47 thf(c_0_17, plain, (((uSubst516392804stappf @ (uSubst1408967625substt @ (the_trm @ (uSubst516392818stappt @ sigma @ va @ theta))) @ bot_bot_set_variable @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p)))=(uSubst516392804stappf @ sigma @ ua @ (pred @ p @ theta)))|((produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p)=(none_fml))|((inf_inf_set_variable @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p))) @ ua)!=(bot_bot_set_variable))), inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[c_0_10]), c_0_11]), c_0_12]), c_0_13]), c_0_11]), c_0_12]), c_0_13]), c_0_11]), c_0_12]), c_0_13])). 0.13/0.47 thf(c_0_18, negated_conjecture, ((inf_inf_set_variable @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p))) @ ua)=(bot_bot_set_variable)), inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[c_0_14]), c_0_11]), c_0_12]), c_0_13])). 0.13/0.47 thf(c_0_19, negated_conjecture, ((produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p)!=(none_fml)), inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[c_0_14]), c_0_11]), c_0_12]), c_0_13])). 0.13/0.47 thf(c_0_20, plain, ((((member_variable @ (vva @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p)))) @ va))=(($true)))|((inf_inf_set_variable @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p))) @ va)=(bot_bot_set_variable))), inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[c_0_15]), c_0_11]), c_0_12]), c_0_13]), c_0_11]), c_0_12]), c_0_13])). 0.13/0.47 thf(c_0_21, plain, (((uSubst516392804stappf @ (uSubst1408967625substt @ (the_trm @ (uSubst516392818stappt @ sigma @ va @ theta))) @ bot_bot_set_variable @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p)))=(none_fml))|((produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p)=(none_fml))|((inf_inf_set_variable @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p))) @ va)!=(bot_bot_set_variable))|((uSubst516392804stappf @ sigma @ va @ (pred @ p @ theta))!=(none_fml))), inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[c_0_16]), c_0_11]), c_0_12]), c_0_13]), c_0_11]), c_0_12]), c_0_13]), c_0_11]), c_0_12]), c_0_13])). 0.13/0.47 thf(c_0_22, plain, ((uSubst516392804stappf @ (uSubst1408967625substt @ (the_trm @ (uSubst516392818stappt @ sigma @ va @ theta))) @ bot_bot_set_variable @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p)))=(uSubst516392804stappf @ sigma @ ua @ (pred @ p @ theta))), inference(sr,[status(thm)],[inference(cn,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[c_0_17, c_0_18])]), c_0_19])). 0.13/0.47 thf(c_0_23, negated_conjecture, ((uSubst516392804stappf @ sigma @ va @ (pred @ p @ theta))=(none_fml)), inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[c_0_14])). 0.13/0.47 thf(c_0_24, plain, ((uSubst516392804stappf @ sigma @ ua @ (pred @ p @ theta))!=(none_fml)), inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[fact_4_Pred_Oprems_I2_J])). 0.13/0.47 thf(c_0_25, plain, (((inf_inf_set_variable @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p))) @ va)=(bot_bot_set_variable))|(member_variable @ (vva @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p)))) @ va)), inference(cn,[status(thm)],[c_0_20])). 0.13/0.47 thf(c_0_26, plain, ((inf_inf_set_variable @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p))) @ va)!=(bot_bot_set_variable)), inference(sr,[status(thm)],[inference(sr,[status(thm)],[inference(cn,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[c_0_21, c_0_22]), c_0_23])]), c_0_24]), c_0_19])). 0.13/0.47 thf(c_0_27, plain, (((vv @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p))))=(vva @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p)))))|((inf_inf_set_variable @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p))) @ va)=(bot_bot_set_variable))), inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[c_0_15]), c_0_11]), c_0_12]), c_0_13]), c_0_11]), c_0_12]), c_0_13]), c_0_11]), c_0_12]), c_0_13])). 0.13/0.47 thf(c_0_28, plain, ((((member_variable @ (vv @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p)))) @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p)))))=(($true)))|((inf_inf_set_variable @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p))) @ va)=(bot_bot_set_variable))), inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[c_0_15]), c_0_11]), c_0_12]), c_0_13]), c_0_11]), c_0_12]), c_0_13]), c_0_11]), c_0_12]), c_0_13])). 0.13/0.47 thf(c_0_29, plain, (~(member_variable @ (vv @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p)))) @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p))))|~(member_variable @ (vva @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p)))) @ va)|((vv @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p))))!=(vva @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ (^[Z0:char > option_trm]:(produc1615133358on_fml @ (^[Z1:char > option_trm]:(produc1420172399on_fml @ (^[Z2:char > option_fml, Z3:char > option_game]:(Z2)))))) @ sigma @ p)))))), inference(fof_simplification,[status(thm)],[inference(fof_simplification,[status(thm)],[fact_3__092_060open_062vv_AV_A_IFVF_A_Ithe_A_ISPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_J_J_J_A_092_060notin_062_AFVF_A_Ithe_A_ISPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_J_J_A_092_060or_062_Avva_AV_A_IFVF_A_Ithe_A_ISPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_J_J_J_A_092_060notin_062_AV_A_092_060or_062_Avv_AV_A_IFVF_A_Ithe_A_ISPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_J_J_J_A_092_060noteq_062_Avva_AV_A_IFVF_A_Ithe_A_ISPreds_A_092_060sigma_062_Ap_J_J_J_092_060close_062])])). 0.13/0.47 thf(c_0_30, plain, (member_variable @ (vva @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p)))) @ va), inference(sr,[status(thm)],[c_0_25, c_0_26])). 0.13/0.47 thf(c_0_31, plain, ((vva @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p))))=(vv @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p))))), inference(sr,[status(thm)],[c_0_27, c_0_26])). 0.13/0.47 thf(c_0_32, plain, (((inf_inf_set_variable @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p))) @ va)=(bot_bot_set_variable))|(member_variable @ (vv @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p)))) @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p))))), inference(cn,[status(thm)],[c_0_28])). 0.13/0.47 thf(c_0_33, plain, (~((((member_variable @ (vv @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p)))) @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p)))))=(($true))))|~((((member_variable @ (vva @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p)))) @ va))=(($true))))|((vv @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p))))!=(vva @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p)))))), inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(lift_lambdas,[status(thm)],[inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[c_0_29]), c_0_11]), c_0_12]), c_0_13]), c_0_11]), c_0_12]), c_0_13]), c_0_11]), c_0_12]), c_0_13]), c_0_11]), c_0_12]), c_0_13]), c_0_11]), c_0_12]), c_0_13])). 0.13/0.47 thf(c_0_34, plain, (member_variable @ (vv @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p)))) @ va), inference(rw,[status(thm)],[c_0_30, c_0_31])). 0.13/0.47 thf(c_0_35, plain, (member_variable @ (vv @ va @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p)))) @ (static_FVF @ (the_fml @ (produc1250175341on_fml @ esk134_0 @ sigma @ p)))), inference(sr,[status(thm)],[c_0_32, c_0_26])). 0.13/0.47 thf(c_0_36, plain, ($false), inference(cn,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(cn,[status(thm)],[c_0_33]), c_0_31]), c_0_31]), c_0_34]), c_0_35])]), ['proof']). 0.13/0.47 # SZS output end CNFRefutation 0.13/0.47 # Parsed axioms : 433 0.13/0.47 # Removed by relevancy pruning/SinE : 0 0.13/0.47 # Initial clauses : 850 0.13/0.47 # Removed in clause preprocessing : 209 0.13/0.47 # Initial clauses in saturation : 641 0.13/0.47 # Processed clauses : 85 0.13/0.47 # ...of these trivial : 5 0.13/0.47 # ...subsumed : 15 0.13/0.47 # ...remaining for further processing : 64 0.13/0.47 # Other redundant clauses eliminated : 16 0.13/0.47 # Clauses deleted for lack of memory : 0 0.13/0.47 # Backward-subsumed : 0 0.13/0.47 # Backward-rewritten : 2 0.13/0.47 # Generated clauses : 19 0.13/0.47 # ...of the previous two non-redundant : 21 0.13/0.47 # ...aggressively subsumed : 0 0.13/0.47 # Contextual simplify-reflections : 0 0.13/0.47 # Paramodulations : 0 0.13/0.47 # Factorizations : 0 0.13/0.47 # NegExts : 0 0.13/0.47 # Equation resolutions : 16 0.13/0.47 # Propositional unsat checks : 0 0.13/0.47 # Propositional check models : 0 0.13/0.47 # Propositional check unsatisfiable : 0 0.13/0.47 # Propositional clauses : 0 0.13/0.47 # Propositional clauses after purity: 0 0.13/0.47 # Propositional unsat core size : 0 0.13/0.47 # Propositional preprocessing time : 0.000 0.13/0.47 # Propositional encoding time : 0.000 0.13/0.47 # Propositional solver time : 0.000 0.13/0.47 # Success case prop preproc time : 0.000 0.13/0.47 # Success case prop encoding time : 0.000 0.13/0.47 # Success case prop solver time : 0.000 0.13/0.47 # Current number of processed clauses : 43 0.13/0.47 # Positive orientable unit clauses : 26 0.13/0.47 # Positive unorientable unit clauses: 2 0.13/0.47 # Negative unit clauses : 13 0.13/0.47 # Non-unit-clauses : 2 0.13/0.47 # Current number of unprocessed clauses: 577 0.13/0.47 # ...number of literals in the above : 1348 0.13/0.47 # Current number of archived formulas : 0 0.13/0.47 # Current number of archived clauses : 5 0.13/0.47 # Clause-clause subsumption calls (NU) : 6 0.13/0.47 # Rec. Clause-clause subsumption calls : 6 0.13/0.47 # Non-unit clause-clause subsumptions : 2 0.13/0.47 # Unit Clause-clause subsumption calls : 70 0.13/0.47 # Rewrite failures with RHS unbound : 0 0.13/0.47 # BW rewrite match attempts : 7 0.13/0.47 # BW rewrite match successes : 2 0.13/0.47 # Condensation attempts : 85 0.13/0.47 # Condensation successes : 0 0.13/0.47 # Termbank termtop insertions : 51514 0.13/0.47 0.13/0.47 # ------------------------------------------------- 0.13/0.47 # User time : 0.036 s 0.13/0.47 # System time : 0.009 s 0.13/0.47 # Total time : 0.045 s 0.13/0.47 # Maximum resident set size: 6200 pages 0.13/0.47 0.13/0.47 # ------------------------------------------------- 0.13/0.47 # User time : 0.045 s 0.13/0.47 # System time : 0.011 s 0.13/0.47 # Total time : 0.056 s 0.13/0.47 # Maximum resident set size: 2716 pages 0.13/0.47 EOF